Friday, January 1, 2021

Wakeful , Dream , Sleeping , Non-duality

WAKEFUL ( Jagrata ) :

This very wakeful state is the crudest state of the self for in this state it subsists on apprehending tanmatras ( sensible and supersensible inference) from the crude world, desiring  crude world is its pabulum, its food. In this wakeful state the Atma or soul is called chattuspada or four-phasic; that is in this state all its four phases are present either explicitly or implicitly.  That is , its function is to acquire knowledge of the crude;  This relatively crude wakeful state is seven fold or septilateral ; the quinquelemental chitta ( mental plate) the Mahatattva ( fundamental intellect ) and the ego. It is nineteen-faced, for its manifestation are in nineteen directions-ten sensory and motor organs , five vayus , mind, the fundamental intellect, ego and Mula Prakriti ( the primordial Prakriti in equilibrium). In the wakeful state all objects are the food for the mind, thus , it is called Vishva or Vaeshvanara.

DREAM ( Svapna ): 

When the soul is wholly dependent on the psychic body for its sustenance , that is , when the domain of thought, such a state is called the dream state.  The appearance of such mental objects does not depend on the inferences or tanmatras received from the senses at that time but on the reactive momenta or seeds of previously acquired tanmatras upheaving waves of the Omniscient seed. In this state , too , all other three states- wakefulness , sleep and Turiya remain dormant in the dream state. The unit soul witnessing its dream state is called Taejasa, and similarly subjective witnessing entity of the supreme consciousness is called Hiranyagarbha or Visnu , or the Subtle cosmic mind.  

SLEEPING : (Shusupti) : 

In the morphetic or sleeping state when neither the crude or conscious mind nor the subtle or sub-conscious mind is functioning.  In the wakeful state both the conscious and the sub-conscious mind are functioning; Thought-waves originate in the sub-conscious mind and are translated into action through the medium of the conscious mind. In the wakeful state the role of the conscious mind is solely predominent. But during sleep the imaginative power, the sub-conscious mind- also becomes as inactive as the physical body. There remains only the unconscious or casual mind , the Atimanas kosa , Vighyanmaya kosa , and Hiranmaya kosa. Then how does dream occur during sleep - how does the state of dream come between sleep and wakefulness ?

What id dream ?the crude receptacle of the Kamamaya kosa and the mind itself becomes unstedy and restless.  Thus the agitated chitta (the sub-conscious mind) accepts as real the stream of thoughts . Such dreams often do not come true, for these are actually pure imaginations or a mere stringing together of different disjoined thoughts, a confused or inconsistent dream.  These dreams , as I have already said, are the disjoined expressions of previous thoughts.Those who have purity of thoughts and also restraint over their diet , are generally less susceptible to such dreams. Such dreams never occur during sleep.

There is still another type of dream.  A surging vibrational flow emanating from the of the fundamental mind and vibrating the sub-conscious mind, is also a sort of dream; and that dream is not insignificant for its cause is the all-knowing causal mind.  With a little concentration, can know events concerning their distant near and dear ones, this is called telepathic vision, when conscious mind is more calm and sedate, people can visualize events concerning their distant veloved ones, enacted before their eyes in the external world or feel as if they are seeing them. this is called telepathic clairvoyance. Mistaking such acts as those of spirits many people come to believe in spiritism or spiritology.  Telephatic vision and telepathic clairvoyance are intrinsically the same as supramental vision.  To believe in ghosts and spirits is merely to perpetuate the cowardly mentality of the prehistoric people.

TURIYA : (Non-duality ) : 

Omniscient nor the Lord of all, for to know anything the presence of different entities like knowledge, knower and knowable is unavoidable.  But in the Turiya state the sense of existence of all other entities does not exist at all; there remains only one entity and that is way. An individual endowed with omniscience or Lordship, we shall call Pragya not Turiiya. The Pragya is the root of all , the giver of inspiration, the cause of the existential ratification of the world. That is way His body is known as the casual body. He Himself is the quiescent soul or the casual soul. Turiiya is the witnessing consciousness, and the casual body or causal Brahma is the qualified manifestation is expressing itself through the media of endless unit manifestations in the hope subject of this casual body, is the casual soul, for the word " cause" here actually means seed. His body is the seed of the universe and thus He is the casual soul.The last phase of Introversion ( prati-sanchara) is somewhat like extroversion (sanchara); but the main difference between them is that during the time of extroversion the casual soul . In other words, due to the lack of germinating possibility the casual soul returns to the original entity. 






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