MIND : In the process of sanchara ( the centrifugal activity of the Macrocosmic Nucleus ) the transcendental entity Purusa , under the localized influence of His immanent principles , is transformed into Mahattattva, Ahamtattva and chitta. Mind is a coordination of the aforesaid three factor, that is ,the - Mahattattva , Ahamtattva and Chitta . In the process of Pratisanchara ( the centripetal activity of the Macrocosmic Nucleus ) the crudest matter , by division and decimation gets metamorphosed into subtler factors and unit mind is created. The Cosmic mind is formed in the sanchara process under under the influence of the innate tendencies, while the unit mind is created in the process of pratisanchara under the both phases all three principles are in existence. Evan in Nirguna Brahma, or the Unsubjectivated Transcendental Entity, these principles do not cease to exist. It is the stage of para shanti ( absolute peace ) because there the three principles are present in a balanced style. Hence in Nirguna Brahma there is no humming up of waves, no clash within or without . In Tantra this latent Prakrti is known as Anucchanya Prakrti. This Anucchanya Prakrti is the casual stage of the three expressed principles and is purely abstract in character. When the Anucchanya gets disturbed, the three fundamental principles start functioning , and as a result of their expressed svabhava ( characteristic) Saguna Brahma , or the Subjectivated Transcendental , gets stirred inits impersonal exhibition.
Saguna Brahma is exhibited through the activities or the activating potentialities of the three expressions of Ucchanya Prakrti. They are known as guna in Sanskrit. These names have been allotted according to their respective functions, and the diversities of the created world depend upon the comparative domination of one over other two. In both the sanchara and pratisanchara processes , that is in the entire survey of the Macrocosm , the Supreme Entity appears to have lost its transcendentality under the influence of these three fundamental factors.
Activation of any forces signifies a change in position of the body on which said force is applied. Hence during the creation of mind certainly a localized change takes place within the infinite space of the transcendental Entity. The cosmic mind, through big , therefore limited; and as such its localized characteristic debar it from becoming absolute.
Mind cannot maintain its existence without objectivity. During its course of creation , mind automatically gets an objectivity in the form of the done ego or static "I". The mind where the projected objectivity presents itself in a collectivated form , maintaining closest alliance with the projector is called the " Macrocosm" or the " Cosmic Mind" and where this projected objectivity appears to be independent of other diversities and detached from the projecting apparatus, it is termed " microcosm" or " unit mind" .
The former , by mere vibration of its thought waves , is able to get itself metamorphosed into many, which for the latter appear to be the original actualities. In case of hypnotism or ghost- affectedness, the mental image of the unit mind gets projected and appears to be a fact but actually it has no physical existence. In the physical world whatever the microcosm creates with the help of its physical structures is nothing but a chemical or physical transformation of the five fundamental factors created as actualities by the Macrocosm in the sanchara process.
PRANENDRIYA : During the mental process of extrovert and introvert, there is always a clash within the physical body due to the external pressure of static Prakrti. The resultant inertial and exterial forces working within the physical structure are known as as prana , and the cooperative activity of the ten vayus- Five interial : ( 1) prana (2) apana (3) samana (4) udana (5) vyana and Five exterial : (1) naga (2) kurma (3) krkara (4) devadatta (5) dhananjaya , is known as pranah .
There are gateways of the indriyas on the external surface of the physical body receiving tanmatras emanated from different objects. The tanmatras received through these gateways are converted into psychic objects according to the inherent samkaras of the individuals. The position of pranendriya is in the heart- not in the mechanical heart which palpitates but in the yogic centre of heart , that is in the middle point of the anahata Chakra.
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