Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Essence of Spirituality

The essence of dharma ,spirituality,is hidden in guha. There are several meaning of guha in Sanskrit. One indicates the cave wherein God resides. It is unwise to leave the world, to leave service to humanity and go to the Himalaya to attain Paramapurusa. Well ! This universe is Paramapurusa- where will you go by leaving it ? In the world one think that he is not able to concentrate his mind because of the din and bustle; but in the cave of the Himalaya one thinks that he cannot get sweet fruit in a particular jungle, and hence tomorrow he will be going to pick ripe plums two or three miles away in a different forest. In either of the places one is not free. If Paramapurusa does not want you to know Him, then you will not be able to attain Him in eigher place. If He wishes you to achieve Him, you can get Him here and now.  Remember it - that at every step of your life. He is testing where you have been able to arouse love for Him in your mind. He is testing where you want Him or worldly objects. 

    The other meaning of guha is " I am , " that is the essence of dharma, Paramapurusa, is hidden in your own " I-ness". That which is hedden in your own "I-ness"- is it essential for you to go to the Himalayas insearch of it ? Do you require the help of a mirror to see your wristwatch on your wrist ? No, you will never do that . You have already attained Him, you are simply not able to see Him. 

Ishvara Pranidhan

The evolved psychic self of the human being can realise this eternal and natural phenomenon of Cosmic association, through the science of Ishvara-Pranidhan, which is essentially a psycho-spiritual process. "  So when the objectivity of the microcosm, the Jivatma - the subjective counterpart of the Macrocosm, that is Purusottama ( Idea and Ideology).

  To be in its pure self , the psyche is to be isolated from its different complexes, external and internal. Rajadhiraj Yoga process of Sadhana teaches the psychic process of withdrawl. The psychic-self is a vibrational entity; to realise cosmic association it has to flow in a psycho-spiritual direction which is caused by the impact of spirituo-psychic vibration of the Ista Mantra. Ista Mantra is attained by the grace of the Guru.

The transformation of micro-cosmic "I" into Microcosmic " I " is the goal of Isvara-Pranidhan. It is known as Mukti or Savikalpa Samadhi. Ideation of Ista-Mantra causes the association of microcosmic-self with the ideational and associative rays of Purusottama. Gradually , the objectivity of microcosm is transformed into the objectivity of Macrocosm. It leads to the identification of microcosm and Macrocosm or Purusottama . 




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