Monday, January 4, 2021

The Lord's Feet


Tripurasua , the father of Gayasura , was a great devotee of Lord Visnu . Many devotees of Lord Shiva wanted him to become a devotee of Shiva instead. But how could Tripurasura go against his Iishta.  But under the pressure put on him by the devotees of Lord Shiva, Tripurasura initiated a crusade against all the devotees of Lord Shiva, until he finally came upon Shiva Himself. But however powerful Tripurasuara was , how could he fight against Lord Shiva ? 

After the death of Tripurasuara , his son , Gayasura became the king. He too was a devotee of Lord Visnu. He worshipped Him with all his heart and devotion, and finally succeeded in attaining a boon of immorality: not to be killed by man , demon or god , in the earth , heaven or hell , by day and night , evening or morning.  None were spared not even the devotees of Visnu or Shiva.

But as the saying goes, " power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely," Gayasura , who had received his power from Lord Visnu, thought to defeat the Lord Himself. Is not the tamboura[ a musical instruments used by Shiva] a fool if it thinks that the  persons bowing before the Lord are, in fact paying respect to it ? Gayasura started thinking that the great power he possessed was actually his power. He finally challenged Lord Visnu and since Visnu was Himself had granted the boon, how could it fail ? Visnu was defeated by Gayasura. Gayasura bound Visnu to a tree and then went all over the world with a very bloated ego.

When things had become intolerable for the people, they approached Lord Visnu, still tied to the tree and recounted their miseries , requesting Him to do something. Visnu pleaded helplessness , as He Himself was in a precarious condition !  Lord Visnu assured them that he would do something in the matter.

When Gayasura returned to Lord Visnu to offer his prayers, Visnu said " Gayasura !Visnu then asked that Gayasura be turned into stone. Gayasura had no alternative but say " So be it"

Gradually Gayasura's legs started turning to stone. When he was  stone up to his waist , he said , Wait ! I have three conditions ! then this petrified Gayasura will again become a living Gayasura." Lord Visnu agreed to it. Very soon Gayasura was turned completely into stone.

This story , from one of the Puranas [ ancient scriptures] has the following three lessons for humanity. First- , the Lord will seat Himself in the heart of the devotee without bothering Himself about the nature of that person, good , or bad. It is enough to be a devotee, in order to have the Lord inside. Second- all those who have the Lord's feet in their hearts are bound to get liberation, - liberation is a sure gurantee for them. Third- since Gayasura had been turned to stone by the Lord , and since He would again arise if anyone having the Lord inside failed to be liberated, the Lord would have to grant liberation to all such persons for all time to come ; it is a matter of the Lord's prestige !. 







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