Thought of the Day

 Thought of the Day


           * If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. 
             If you want to change the visible , you must first change the invisible.

             * It is an action that makes a person great. Be great by your sadhana , 
              by your service, by your sacrific  

            *  Keep the body neat and clean like a temple.


 * Morality is the base , intuition is the way, and Life Devine is the goal


   * The physical body is not yours . It belongs to another entity who has placed the mind in this body, so now you think " It is my body".


   * Building anything on humanistic lines requires real love and affection for humanity as its foundation.


   * In individual life , we should practice yoga, and in collective life we should encourage others to practice yoga.


  * Those who carry the message of that effulgent light will be forever revered by all humanity.


  * I advice each human being that as long as you are alive , you should try to build yourself in a nice way. But you should not only build yourselves, you should also build human society in the nice way.


 * When all feelings, all attachments are directed towards Him, then it is devotion.


  * The best way to attain mental purity is to follow the principles of Yama and Niyam.


   * Mental purify helps particularly in keeping a person healthy,That is way every human being should make as strong habit as possible of selfless service and Meditation.


 *   Wise people will never withdraw from the path of Ideology, the path which they accept as their ideal


 * Do not forget how much HE has done for you, how much HE is doing and how much ready HE is to do anything for you.


  *  Churn your mind by meditation and God will appear like butter from curd.


   * The mental and spiritual progress of a Sadhaka depends upon the degree of control, he possesses over the vritties.


   * The natural love of God is in the heart of every human being and the man who does not have it is not a man but an animal.


   * Bad company strengthens the bondage of the soul while good company is conducive to liberation and salvation.


    *  Remember , humanity's very existence is based on morality


   *  If humans survive and make progress towards attainment of the indifinite bliss and Cosmic welfare, they will definitely have to follow the path of rationality , logic and reasoning.


    In the struggle for dharma , if some trouble comes, you should accept it.


  * You should follow the path of Dharma and surely You will be victorious . Dharma is the cause of victory.


     *   You came from Him, you are moving within His mind and finally you will become one with Him.


   *   You are not just to worry about right and wrong about do's and don'ts. You are to develop that true devotion for Parama Purusa.


    *  Enlighten your mind with the effulgence of the soul. The absolute truth in you will automatically reveal itself


   *   Human beings should base their lives on an ideology. Those without an ideology do not view the world rationally or benevolently , but view it with the greedy eye of an exploiter.


 *  In no situation , except during the struggle for Dharma , should you indulge in diplomacy or duplicity.


* We must maintain mental balance and remain indifferent to both praise and slander , to both joy and sorrow.


    *  Man should be clear , clean and conclusive. There should be no ambiguity in any sphere of life.


  *   Human beings meet their downfall due to the flaw in their intellect.  


  *     True leaders don't create followers . They create more leaders.


*   Do not allow any wealth of the world to go to waste, take especially active steps to prevent the waste of food, fuel and water.


  *   The most valuable treasures on the path of human progress are honesty, simplicity and spiritedness .In no stratum of life should you allow the standard of honesty to deteriorate. 


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