Monday, November 9, 2020

The Significance of Service and Cosmic Brotherhood

  The goal of human beings is Parama Purusa- He is the Supreme Entity- the absolute entity. They have to remain within the spatial , temporal and personal boundaries. hence one has to pass ones life maintaining proper adjustment with time, space and person.  And the individual entity is also benefited. If someone does not maintain adjustment, the society is not benefitted nor is anyone individually. Not only this , retardation starts taking place. One's aim should be a proper , well-balanced continuous journey. One has to move towards Parama Purusa. Human beings are travellers on the path of eternity, marching ahead without stopping anywhere is their characristics. The greatest shelter of human beings is Parama Purusa Thus it is very very dear to him.  Hence your duty is to utilise totally and properly this physical body and mind. You have come with human body, human intellect. Your human life will become fruitful. By His grace you have a human body and human mind and you should also bear in mind that by His grace alone you have to move ahead in life. By His grace alone He is to be attained. 

The Four Kinds of Service

 There are four kinds of service (a) Sudrachita Seva (b) Vaeshyochita Seva (c) Ksattriyochita Seva (d) Viprochiat Seva 

(A ) Sudrachita Seva : To serve the world by the physical body, to others happy by one's own sacrifice, or to alleviate the afflictions of other's for example, by nursing the patients , comes within the scope of Sudrachita Seva. This type of seva is the backbone of society. 

(B) Vaeshyochita Seva : The services rendered by supplying food, money, etc, are termed  Vaeshyochita Seva. 

(C) Ksattriyochita Seva : To protecting others, even by risking one's life is Ksattriyochita Seva

(D) Viprochiat Seva : This seva is it give expression of Adhyatma Gyana by imparting the spiritual knowledge you have gained. Instill in others the earnest desire to follow the path of virtue-only then will you justify your existence as a social creature. Viprochita Seva is particularly glorious because it is directly related to Adhyatma Gyana

The Ideation of Service

   At the time of rendering service, you should feel that object of service is Narayan or God and that you are a spiritual aspirant. With such feelings there is no room for conceit. Conceit causes the fall of human beings. To get rid of conceit we will have to regard the object of our service as Narayana.

  The principal cause for bondage to the fruits of actions is conceit or the yearning for fame. When you perform acts with the ideation that the person served is Narayana , there is no possibility of arrogance or the desire for fame growing in your mind.Then you will realize that through the grace of Narayan you have been given the opportunity of serving Narayana. Our hands and feet are not ours , they are His , and by serving Himself with those hands and feet, He sports with Himself. Such an action is an action without attachment.Only in this way can one attain salvation from the bondage of karma. You must feel that the person served is Brahma. 

 Cosmic Brotherhood

     Spirituality is not a utopian ideal but a practical philosophy which can be practiced and realized in day-today life, however mundane it be. All fissiparous tendencies and group or clean philosophies which tend to create the shakeles of narrow-mindeness are in no way connected with spirituality and should be discouraged. That which leads to brondness of unison alone should be accepted. 

   In the present environment many fissiparous tendencies are working to divine humanity into manually belligerent groups. The approach of spirituality should be psychological and rational , and should offer a touching appeal to the deepest psychic sentiments of human beings. That ultimate and absolute ideal is the Cosmic ideal an ideal beyond the scope of time, place and person, It is the Absolute, without and beyond relativity. 

  All the sentiment-provoking ideas should be firmly opposed. This does not mean an attack on those sentiments, traditions and habits which are innate in human beings and which do not hamper their Cosmic development. For Exam- the movement for uniformity in dress for all people will be but a ridiculous and irrational approach. Different selections of dress are the result of climatic factors and corporal necessities. Moreover, dissimilarity in dress is not detrimental to world fraternity.

   There will also be many zonal or regional differences as regards other traditions and customs. These should be appriciated and encouraged for the indigenous development of society. 

                Common philosophy of life-

A  common philosophy of life demands a clear conception in the human mind that the development of the human personality means an evolution in all the three spheres- physical , metaphysical or mental , and spiritual. Other thinkers conceived it as a wise and intelligent device to befool the toiling mass. But the logical analysis given above must have clarified to thoughtful readers that spirituality is the summum bonum of life in all its aspects. 

   Those who think dharma to be an individual's concern cenceive it in a very narrow sense the domination of cosmoplitanism in world affirs. Vested interest, however , continue to cause certain fissiparous tendencies. There are some who fear loss of their economic or political domination and are directly responsible for these detrimental or retrograde reactions.


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