Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Artha and Paramartha


Pashabaddha Bhavejjiivah pashamukto Bhavetshivah

" A person who is comes under the bondages of Maya is called  ' jiiva'  And a person who is free from the fetters of Maya becomes one with Shiva" .

   However the one endowed with cosmic grace gets liberation from these bondages by dint of sadhna, and attains oneness with that Supreme Entity ( Shiva). Who wants to live in bondage ? No-one. Everyone wants to attain freedom, to be leberated from all sorts of bondage. Human beings can be liberated from certain bondages temporarily, but after a while those bendages will again return. This situation can be compared to a bird which is related from its cage and allowed to fly around a large room for a while but after sometime is again confined to the same cage.

 Now , what happens to the jiiva during this temporary liberation , termed " Artha" in Sanskrit. When they eat something , they will get temporary relief from hunger: that is , they will attain temporary liberation from the influence of the bondage of hunger. Where did this food come from,and how did they procure of " Artha" is money, And its third meaning is " meaning" . Money brings temporary relief from bondage. Thday a hungry person may get relief from hunger wih the help of money , but tomorrow the hunger will again return and the person will require more food. Liberation with the help of money can never be permanent. Yet , in this ephemeral world we need to use transient objects. It is a relative world composed of relative objects and entities. And that's way our natural question is " How should we live our lives? The answer is that we should move towards the Supreme Entity while maintaining an adjustment with the relative world. We can not ignore the external world , we cannot live without Artha or money. To obtain temporary liberation from pain and misries , money or Artha is required but to attain permanent liberation, we need Paramartha. This is the basis difference between Artha and Paramartha.

   Human affilictions are triferious: physical , psychic and spiritual. The physical affilictions originate from the meterial world and the psychic affilictions from the unmanifest world or human mind. Next the spiritual affilictions. Limited psychic wealth is the root cause of spiritual affilictions. When that liberation is permanent it is called " salvation".

   However we also require Paramartha. Paramartha is that factor which brings about the permanent cessation of the triple affilictions. here permanent cessation means cesation of those affilictions which once removed will never return again in the future.  It is important that you understand the true significance of " Paramartha". 

   Something else can be said about Paramartha . On one side stand the human beings who suffer from numerous defects and imperfections and on the other side stands the great , inscrutable Maya, poised against them. this tremendously powerful Maya is intent upon ensnaring human beings within the grip of various instincts which scatter the mind. Human are under the domination of that powerful maya, are controlled and guided by that Visnu Maya according to her own sweet will. And when she observes that her influence is waning , she strives to further mislead humans with various force so that they remain within her grip. In such an atmosphere of servility, humans can never attain Paramartha. All obstacles be they in the form of husbands ,wives, parents or indeed the society at large are the creation of Visnu maya. These obstacles and hindrances must be overcome.if Visnu maya becomes extremely angry and powerful,what should human beings do? Actually there is no reason for human to worry about this because the blessings of Parama purusa are always with them.

This maya of limitless power is My divine force her power and strength are all Mine. She cannot harm the one who has taken shelter in me. Parama purusa is the actual controller of Maya so a person who takes refuse in Him cannot be harmed in any way. However little strength one may have one will be able to resist Maya in all circumstances. It is not always necessary to fight against Maya , She eventually meets her own defeat and surrenders. So what should an intelligent person do? The other day I said that all human beings should surrender their ego. They should only  think that they are the children of Parama purusa sitting on His lap. If they think in this way , Maya will be unable to harm them.  Another thing should be mentioned in this context there are many people who think "I am a sinner, I am a sinner" This is not the right attitude as though are often expressed externally. So the person who always thinks , I am a sinner , will ultimately become a sinner, even though he or she is not a sinner at all. If you surrender everything to His lotus feet altimately ones get the real love of that Supreme Entity.


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