Saturday, November 7, 2020

Yagya and Karmaphala

  "Yagya and the fruit of Yagya" . The word " Yagya" is formed by the root " Yag and the suffix " na" . it means actions. Whatever a person does we can call it a yagya. What is the origin of actions ? Where is the unmanifested potentiality of actios ? Before doing an act , a person thinks of it and the thought gets manifested as corresponding vibrations or sensations in his mind. That is ,when after thinking about doing an act, the hands and feet begin to move , then the action being done is called an act or kriya. Vibration exists in the mind or sublime level and an act exists both in the crude and sublime levels, because all vibrations are not necessarily transformed into acts. Whenever there is an act , then the existence of a precedent thought is a certainly. That is way karma or Yagya is called psycho-phisical. 

     Salvation means the eternal emancipation from this very Karma or Yagya. Ordinarily, Yagya is of four kinds: Bhut yagya , Nr Yagya , Pitri Yagya and Adhyatma Yagya. Of these four Yagya , the first three namely Bhuta, Nr, and Pitri Yagya, are psycho-physical , that is boath mental and physical , but Adhyatma Yagya is one hundred percent internal. The origin of Bhuta , Nr and Pitri Yagya is in mental vibrations and they take shape in the physical world. Adhyatma Yagya , on the other hand originates in the domain of the soul and terminates in the soul.

    (1) Bhuta Yagya : Bhuta Yagya means services rendered to any created entity of the manifested world. For exam- watering trees, servicing cattle, undertaking scientific explorations and doing anything for the sake of welfare. In Samskara , Bhuta means that which has been created. 

(2) Nr Yagya : Nr Yagya is action for human welfare. In fact Nr yagya is a part of Bhuta Yagya because human beings are also created beings. 

(3) Pitr Yagya : Pitr Yagya means remembering the ancestors and the sages. As long as a person possesses the physical body, he remains indebted to his ancestor. Those who are capable of working for their own emancipation, as well as of the society by virtue of the knowledge aquired through the austerities practised by the sages , are indebted to the sages. Sages are those who helping and who have helped human society in numerous ways, such as the invention of new subjects.  It is not a fact that present intellectual currents originated from the fountain of their wisdom ? We proceed and extend these roads by cutting down the jungles and the hills.  That is way I say that there is no fault in the development of science. On the other hand those sages who have looked to the well-being of humanity certainly deserve our revered memory. To pay homage to them is Pitr Yagya.

(4) Adhyatma Yagya : The Adhyatma Yagya is hundred percent internal. The impetus for Adhyatma Yagya comes from the soul and this impetus becomes operative in the mental province. The mind performs the sadhana and the Karma also terminates in the provience of the soul.This is the ultimate goal of mental Sadhana lies in the province of the soul. Adhyatma Yagya is a liberating sadhana and the remaining three, Bhut , Nr and Pitr yagya are both liberating and subjugating ( Nivritti  Pravritti )

  As long as you exist , you have got to perform yagya. You should not let this happen. it is your dharma to move from narrowness to vastness, from greatness to divinity. To allow yourself to fall into an abyss is against the characteristic of your existence. You long for eternal bliss and endeavour for eternal life. 

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