Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Sound of God

You know sound is the sublest expression, subtler even than light and that's way the ears are treated as the subtlest organs. Now these acoustic expressions are two kinds : one is divine or spiritual acoustic expressions and the other is physical acoustic expression. Sound is physical acoustic expression in the divine realm, in the spiritual realm. But in the case of the Non-attributional Entity, in the case of Nirguna Brahma [ unmanifested consciousness ], there is no expression, because Nirguna means " where there is no expression". In the case of Saguna Brahma [ manifested consciousness] and even starting from the Cosmic Nucleus, there is expression and that expression until it reaches the physical sphere, is spiritual acoustic expression, spiritual sound.You know , where you think something , you create mental sound. What is thinking ? Thinking is mental speaking. Is it not a fact ? Mmmmm ,And when you speak , others can also hear , when you speak mentally , others may or may not hear.[ Much laughter among disciple].

   Now one may catch this physical sound according to the capacity of one's acoustic organs, one's ears. You cannot catch very short or very long sounds. What ? The sound of silence. It is known as the Om sound in Sanskrit. Pranava or the Om sound.

  When these inner senses develop , then in the first phase the sadhaka[mediator] can hear that inner sound, that inner voice, that divine sound. In the first phase it is like the sound of cricket.  Mmmm...... one will hear cricket sound. Then in the next phase , as if somebody is dancing with ankle bells. Then in the next phase , one will hear the sound of flutes, as if somebody is playing the flute. Then the sound of the ocean.... and then in the fifth stage; tung, tung , just like bells the sound of bells. And finally , the sound is just like : AAUUUMMM - the Om sound in pure form. And after that ther remains no sound because after that realm, after the scope of Saguna Brahma, there is the scope of Nirguna. In the realm of Nirguna there can be no sound because there can be no expression. no even divine expression, no even supra-psychic expression.

  By dint of sadhana , in the last phase you will hear the sound, the Om sound - AAUUMM. You will hear that sound. In the vedas [ spiritual scriptures] it is said, " Pranava atmakam Brahma" - Pranava means that entity that helps the sadhaka to come in contact with Paramapurusa. In Sanskrit  another name for Pranava is Sabda Brahma - Brahma expressed as sound. When one can hear that Pranava , in the next phase one will come in contact with Nirguna Brahma. 

   So the day will come when this Pranava will become a reality for you. Now for some of you , Pranava is in dreamland [ Much laughter of disciple





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