Friday, November 20, 2020

The Four Stages of Human Progress


  This universe is systaltic . Going towards speed and pause like earthworm. But that is not true progress of development.  So humans must progress in the psychic realm. And in the process of movement , they will reach a stage when the mind becomes non-existent.  This path of movement is divided into four stages- Yatamana , Vyatireka , Ekendriya and Vashikara.

(A) Yatamana : Yatamana is the stage when the devotee or spiritual practitioner makes sincere efforts.  A person may say , " I am trying" , but if this trying last for three, four , twenty or twenty-five lives it may lead to retardation. So to say " I am trying". is not enough. Neverthless the benifit of the first stage is that at least human beings make constructive efforts. This is Yatamana. 

(B) Vyatireka :  One needs a firm determination stage of second is vyatireka.  There should be must determination in the path of success. This is the stage of vyatireka. What happens in the initial stage ? One gains a certain degree of control over some psychic propensities ( vrittis) for a while .  It is often noticed that many saints and monks who give up heart and home have a weakness for food.  These are all psychic disease , weakness of the mind. This is vyatireka. Devotees must start fighting these obstacles. 

(C)Ekendriya :  The third stage is ekendriya. Ekendriya means gaining full control over a particular psychic propensity. Once controlled, it will never return, will never cause further degeneration. Full control over a certain psychic vrtii is known as ekedriya.  Whatever he or she will come true. This is called vak shuddhi

(D) Vashiikara : The fourth and final stage is vashiikara. In this stage all the psychic vrittis are brought well within the control of the spiritual practitioner. Suppose someone wants to know what happend 20,000 years age. The moment the desire to know aries, his or her mind will return to the distant past and will see what really happened 20,000 years ago. These are all signs of absolute vashikara siddhi. Ordinary people think that Mr so-and-so is a very well read person but the fais otherwise. Everything has come from his vashikara siddhi.  if he fails to surrender himself to Parama Purusa , however, what will happen ? Well , after attaining vashikara siddhi and acquiring various occult powers, he will develop some ego. He will curse those he hates and thus, unknowingly, will gradually degenerate. He will meet his downfall. So after attaining vashikara siddhi, one should surrender one's unit soul, endowed with the acquired occult powers , to Paramatma. What will be the result ? One will become one will become Parama Purusa. This is the proper path of human beings. This is how human beings have progressed step by step in the past, are progressing in the present and will progress in the future as well. 

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