Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Macrocosm and Microcosm

The characteristic of a unit mind is that its goal is multipurposive whereas its expression is unilateral , confined to a particular space , time and individuality. This is the major difference between microcosm and macrocosm. A unit mind can only think of one object at a particular time , but cannot exist in more than one place or at more than one time, But the Cosmic mind expresses Himself in more than one action , at more than one place and in more than one entity.  It may want to be a king and a billionaire , and a learned person and so much more. but when it actually performs actions , it can only act in one direction, not many. But the Macrocosmic endeavours are multilateral. 

 But the Microcosm transcends time , for the three realms of time-past , present and future- lie embedded in His mind.  Space is a limited expression bound by the static principle of Prakriti.  What will happen if the Macrocosm does not think of anything as His psychic projection ? 

  The controlling capacity of microcosms is very limited.  When the physical waves of objects are longer, they can at most be brought within sense-perception but not controlled.  In this case those objects themselves exercise control over the physical existence as well as the kamamaya and annamaya kosas of individuals. 

  Microcosms confined as they are within the relative factors have very little controlling authority.  It is worthwhile mention here that the tendency of the human mind to degenerate towards matter in the path of negative Pratisanchara is called naraka and the movement of the unit mind towards the Supreme Non-attributional stance in the flow of positive Pratisanchara is called heaven. 

This universe is merged in the Macrocosmic flow.  The person whose mind is free from the burden of crudify can easily float on the vast cosmic ocean, but who is loaded down with a heavy burden will sink.

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Prakriti and Maya

  Creation is the result of the mere desire of Purusottama to become many. Purusa and Prakriti are two names of the same entity. As the creative principle , it creates the multiplicities and attracts them back to itself. Maya refers to the innate power of the creative matrix. Different Mayas refer to the different functions of the operative principle in relation to the Macrocosm and the Microcosm in the process of sanchara and pratisanchara

(a) Mahamaya: Mahamaya denotes basic function of the creative principle which makes both the centrifugal movement ( sanchara) and the centripetal movement( pratisanchara) possible. Because of this the supreme subjectivity metamorphoses itself into the five fundamental factors and in the process of pratisanchara the solid factor changes into subtler forms of existence.

(b) Yogamaya: Yogamaya is that by which the creatives principle guides living beings towards Parama Purusa. It is felt only when the human mind yearns to be united with the microcosm. 

(c) Vishnumaya : Vishnumaya is that by which the creative principle is associated with every individual being. Because of Vishnumaya , human beings remain engrossed and hypnotised by the beauty of charm of creation. One looks upon every object as the explicit manifestation of the Lord.

(d) Anumaya: Anumaya is the power of the creative principle as expressed in the unit structure. It keeps the mind directed to worldly ambitions and attachments, such as name , fame and wealth. As a result , the individual remains oblivious of the real goal of human life and one becomes concerned only with the pleasureable (preya) not with the preferable(shreya). In the cosmic act of creation, preservation and dissolution, the power of the creative principle act in two diametrically opposite direction. 

(e) Avidyamaya : Avidyamaya is to make from subtle things to crude. In pratisanchara , avidyamaya influences human mind in two ways. Due to the influence of Avarani Shakti the nature of reality is distorted. Under the influence of Viksepi Shakti mind tends to ideate on the  crude and drifts away from the Macrocosm. Avidyamaya operates through two forces (i) Avarini Shakti (ii) Viksepi Shakti 


(f) Vidyamaya : Vidyamaya is to make from crude to subtle . Vidyamaya helps  the individual to move from the crude to the subtle. Evolution is a perpetual conflict between vidya and avidya. Vidyamaya operates through two forces (i) Hladini Shakti (ii) Samvit Shakti .

            (i) Hladini Shakti - Hladini Shakti refers to the ecstatic experience of moving towards Parama Purusa. It provides added impetus to the God ward march. The spirit of sadhana is to wage a pact less fight against the forces of avidyamaya which produce hindrances in form of eight fetters (astapasa) six enemies ( sadaripu) and the crudifying propensities(vrittis)

           (ii) Samvit Shakti- Samvit Shakti refers to the dawning of higher consciousness which makes one realise that divinity is the goal and essence of one's existence. 

The capacity of a finite is very insignificant compared the power of Prakriti force of avidyamaya. The circumstancial handicaps are sometimes too very stupendous to be overcome. Fight one must against the forces of avidya until the goal is achieved. Often the individual efforts and assertive encounters are crushed by the uncanny and indefatigable Prakriti. So the ideal way to overcome the influence of avidya is to surrender and seek refuge in Parama Purusa. Shakti the operative principle is an integral part of Shiva ( cosmic consciousness) Prakriti is blind and acts at the behest of Purusa. When one takes shelter at the altar of divinity one is protected from the hostile Prakriti. Surrender removes the umbrella of Ego. so that one gets drenched by the shower of divine grace. When one surrenders oneself before Parama Purusa the forces of Prakriti instead of creating obstacles, turn to be friendly and help one is the process of sublimation. The forces of obstruction the pasas and ripus and the vrittis become allies on the path of spiritual progress. It should be remembered that the noble the goal the mightier are the obstacles. Obstacles re in fact the circumstances that help one muster strength to encounter them. Obstacles are necessary for spiritual elevation because the strength that one gains by trying to overcome the obstacles becomes one's asset. Suffering and difficulties pass by. But the person lives on with added strength and enlarged vision. In order to be on the path , one must invoke His grace because ,if the forces of Prakriti are hostile one may not even have good thought , good company or the right inspiration to lead a good life. 

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