The Human Nervous System is a Biological Machine
- This physical body is not yours. it belongs to another entity who has placed the mind in this body so now u think " It is my body" The mind has been authorized to use this body, so the mind is thinking it is my body. The Atma or unit consciousness is watching , witnessing what the mind is thinking. If the Atma stops watching , the mind will stop working. So what is the science concerning all this by which biological machine is being goaded ?
- There are eleven indriyas- One is antahkaran and ten are bahihkaran. Antahkaran is directly associated with the is one instrict portion of the mind itself. it is by dint of this portion that the mind feels the vacancy in your stomach,and thereby hunger. The stomach becomes empty.,then the mind starts searching for food which its expresses through the physical actions of the body.
- So there are two portions - antahkaran and bahirkaran . One consist of an intrinsic portion of the mind itself and the other of the ten organs- five gyanendriya and five karmendriya . The pro pensive propulsion comes from antahkaran. its origin or source is there in antahkaran. Antahkaran is made of the conscious ans subconscious portions of the mind- thinking and memory etc. so the biological machine is goaded by propensive propulsion.
- Biological Structure- This biological machine is a great help assistance to human. That is , you can perform spiritual sadhna with this biological structure because it is a biped structure. Bipeds are humans orangatang , chimpanzee ,and gorilla . Monkeys are also bipeds but they can not stand erect. Their position is in between bipeds and quadrupeds. You will find that by proper training orangatang will start to like smoking like humans.
- The human biological structure and nervous system are more developed than other bipeds, while tailless like chimpazees , gorillas are less developed than the human beings because their backbone contain tailbones. The human backbone bears a tail bone but it protrudes inside rather than inside the human body. During the first four months of pregnancy , a human foetus develops a tail which grows of the tail is slower than that the rest of the body. This continues up to eight months. After eight months the tail goes inside the body of the unborn baby and is not externally visible. This is the difference. That is way its brain is not like that of a human being. If a baby is born prematurely there is a risk that is may die. If the parents live in an isolated rural area and are unable to get proper medical attention, the child may be wrapped in cotton collected from the simul tree Now you see how lucky and fortune you are to have such a human biological structure . You have got a human frame . Human should be obliged to Paramatma or Supreme Consciousness for this favour.
- So the human body is a biological Machine . If this is done selfishness will not arise in the mind and there is no chance of damaging society. But political parties and socio-economic ogranizations forget this fact, and the world is afflicted adversely by them instead of getting served. They had no spiritual cult , no spiritual goal. Thus as long as communism exists on this earth the world will continue to suffer. It has to go immediately without any delay or it is to be removed .
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