Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Creation of the Universe

 The Creation of the Universe

    The Creation of the Universe The transcidental entity is is one of infinite and its immanent princiles are the sentient,the mutative and the static.By their vey nature these forces are belligerent.Their direction is hapazard, forming infinite figures with innumerable sides.Prakriti here is said to be anuchanya, and Brahma here is objectless , because there is no question of subjectivation ( feeling of Does "I" ) or objectivation . In common Language it is said that Prakriti has not been able to Brahma influenced to metamorphosed. In this state of equilibrium the triple quality of prakriti exist but in the balance state .This state however differs from the previous one not only in the fact that a tringale of forces has been formed but also the fact that the sentient. But in this triangular stage there is a constant exchange of identities among the three fundamental principles.This mutual exchange or transformation is called svarua parinama. The balance prakriti is addressed simply as prakriti ( without any adjective).

      Purusa is the fundamental entity at every stage.When He gets encircled by the triangle of forces though no resultant force has formed , there is a theoretical difference between the purusabhav in the first stage whenprakriti was Anuchanya and the Purusabhava in the socond stage when Prakriti has shaped Herself into a triangle of forces.In the later stage not only is Purusa in a theoretical bondage of the three principles , but also there is a change of His being expressed. This Purusobhava is called Shiva, and Shivani or Kaosiki.Prakriti is called kaosiki because She is the cause of origin of different kosas which are formed later on in the process of evolution.The difference between Shiva and Shivani here is merely theoretical because no actual manifestitation has occured.Pratical difference between Purusa and Prakriti starts arising the moment a resultant of forces is formed.Imbalance or lack of equilibrium in the three belligerent forces causes this resultant, and metomorphosis of Purusa starts due to activation by this Prakriti. Shiva Shakti vibhagena jayate sristhi kalpana, that is shiva , the Transcedental Entity encircled in the triangle of forces, and Shakti or Prakriti . 

         The next stage after this point is the expression of desire or the expression of the resultant force, which must be in a straight line because every force expressess. There is also a never -ending clash amongst the belligerent forces of Prakriti, due to which internal friction increases.Thus due to gradual merger of prakriti and growing internal friction within prakriti, the flow ceases to be in a straight line, tends to take up curvature and attains a wavelength. Prakriti is active from kamaviija to the kala and is called Bhairavi in the nada stage, and Purusa is termed Bhaerava.The conquest of the mutative over the sentient and the gradual movement towards domination by the static force results in curvatures following the preceding curvature.kala is followed by further formation of curvature oe after another. This sequence of curvatures is known as sahasra parinam.Here the static - dominated mutative Prakriti is responsible for the expression of the universe.Prakriti responsible for this creation . In the first chapter, on " Sanchara and Pranah" it was pointed out that the whole universe is the thought-projection of the Cosmic Mind, or Macrocosm. 

       The complexity of the point of its descent.The mental body is much more subtle and can by sadhana, or Avidyamaya and proceed forth to come under the influence of Vidyamaya, the force of Cosmic attraction. Non-qualified liberation , or moksa is however onlly possible if the mental body , starting from the crudest mental subjectivity of the physical body, can , by any force. Hence the path of non-qualified spiritual practice which can reach final moksa is always the path of negativity.The theoretical negative force with its fundamental negativity, which tends towards the final merger into Purusa for attaining moksa, is called Kulakundalinii- the "coiled serpentine. Since kulakundalinii is the negative force of the unit body, it is different for each individual.As the sadhana is more or less for a psycho-physical liberation in the initial stage, its starting point must be in the cudest must reside in that portion of the physical body from which the crudest matter ( ksititattva) of the body is controlled. 

     The starting point of the kulakundalinii , therefore is in the is fundamentally negative in character, and its starting point is the negative kamabiija of the living being, just as the point from which the positive resultant force ofPrakriti got expression is the kamabiija , or ichhabiija , of the Cosmic Being.The arena in which the kulakundalinii resides is known as kama-piitha.The starting point of the fundamental positivity, that is the kamabiija of the Cosmic Being, is on the back of Sambhulinga, and that of negativity on the back of Sambhulinga.Within the self of the yoga sadhaka , or one who practices the scientfic method of spiritual approch with the help of this kulakundalini, the force of fundamental negativity. 

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