Gu, literally means darkness and Ru, means the dispeller. Guru (Preceptor) is one who dispels the darkness of ignorance from the mind of the disciple.NECESSITY OF GUGUSpiritial quest is essentially an endeavour to understand oneself, know thyself , is the motto of spiritual practice. The highest spiritual attainment consists in the realisation that the Jiva is essentially the Shiva. Vrittis blur the vision and cloud the mind. Intuitional practice ( sadhana) is the sustained struggle of the spiritual aspirant to overcome the limiting influnce of the vrittis and realise that every expression, macro or micro, is essentially, the universal self. In course of the journey to the ultimate goal, the individual is subject to the influence of two mutually opposing forces Vidya and Avidya. Human beings are the highest evolved creation in the ladder of evolution. Before taking a human form the self had traversed through a long process of evolution, living many lives, as plants and animals. It is natural that one's experiences in lower forms of life exert heir limiting influence. That is precisely why the human mind functions largely in an extroversal manner and is dragged down by the baser propensities. This downward pull is termed as Avidya maya Although, normally the human beings tend to pursue the pleasures of the senses, there is he persistent subterranean urge to return to the macrocosmic nucleus from which it originated in the process of Sanchara. Thus Prati Sanchara is a kind of home-coming for the Self. Other animate and inanimate beings tread the path of evolution by the attraction of the cosmic nucleus. But human beings , who on account of being endowed with ego an freewill can either accelerate the journey to desideratum or nullify the attraction of the cosmic by pursuing a path away from the nucleus. Intuitional practice is the strategy by which the individual negotiates the gap between the state of finitude, imperfection and the state of infinity and perfection. But the goal seeking endeavour is greatly hindered on account of the overpowering influence of the propensities. Hence the necessity of guide(guru) who takes one along the path unto the ultimate goal.
But it is only the one, who has seen the path , can show the path. Guru therefore must be perfect. There is always the need and scope on the part of individual to learn from others because human beings are finite in terms of their physical and mental faculties. The more perfect ones always guide the less perfect, in different spheres of human pursuit. So one looks for Gurus in different pursuits. But when it is a case of guiding a human being from the stste of finitude and relativity to the non-attributional state of Truth(sat) , Consciousness (cit) , Bliss (ananda) , Infinity (anandam) what is called for is the something unique on the part of the guide. Only the one who is infinite and absolute, can lead others from the pale of relativities. The science of spirituality proclaims that ' one who knows That becomes That'. The unit consciousness in the process of knowing the cosmic consciousness, loses its individuality and becomes one with That. Now the question is How can the finite transcend the attributional in order to attain the non-attributional ? So there is the necessity of Guru who appears in the finite form to serve as a rapport between the finite and the infinite. He chooses a human form to guide the lesser mortals along the path of righteousness. But unlike the humans through in huamn body. He is beyond the limitations of the body. Thought in space and time, He is not subject to the bondage of space and time. He is the Infinite and finite in one. He is Taraka Brahma. It is rightly said that only Brahma is Guru, no other because one who has realised Brahman can lead others from the state of Saguna to the state of Nirguna. One who is enlightened, can lead others from darkness to light one who is immortal can lead others from state of mortality to immortality. It is only in the time of extreme decadence that the supreme subjectivity takes the human form with the help of five fundamental factors and appears Himself to salvage the collective body, to show the way out of cimmerian darkness. In the individual life He is related to every individual as the loving father and the spiritual guide. But the physical form is made up of five fundamental factors and is subject to the law of nature it is born to a mother's womb grows and decays. The physical form is not the Guru but it is the force, expressed through the physical frame. The liberated consciousness comes with the resolve(samkalpa) to liberate individual from the binding influence of Prakriti. Needless to say that the physical body of the Guru is also of paramount importance because it is the very form through which the Supreme-subjectivity expresses itself in space and time. So the physical body of the Guru has to be looked and adored with utmost devotion and reverence.
FINDING THE GURUHow can one find the Guru ? It is the intense yearning of the aspirant which leads one to find the Guru. In fact the Sadguru is always ready to guide all created beings along the path to the supreme goal. But what is necessary is the fevour and readiness of the disciple. Unless time is ripe and the person feels restless and discontented with the state of bondage and imperfection and feels an irresistible urge to find the way out, Guru remains a receding goal. Even if the Guru appears a person fails to recognise Him. That is way a disciple must deserve to find the Guru. Everyone is imperfect. But to be worthy of being initiated into the cult of spirituality one must feel an intense longing to attain liberation ( mukti). This is amply evidenced in the life of many devotees who in spite of their sinful background find the Guru and experience a total transformation of their being. In fact it is Guru who appears or craters circumstances that lead to his encounter with the disciple, which is an event of utmost significance in the life of the latter. Real Guru is the Sadguru and only a Mahakaula can be the Sadguru. A Kaula is one who can raise his kundalinii to Sahasrar but a Mahakaula is the liberated one who can also raise the kundalinii of others to Sahasrara. But how can one know and identify one's Guru and be certain that he is the Sadguru ? It is often found that people whith lesser spiritual attainments masquerade as liberated souls. Fake Gurus exploit the gullible and Gurus with lesser attainments leave the disciples halfway. Broadly , there are three types of Guru :- (i) Adhama (ii) Madhyama (iii) Uttama Gurus.(i) Adhama Guru - The lowest category of Gurus are those who attract disciples by their enlightening and persuasive discourses. The disciples accept them with great hope, faith and surrender but are soon disillusioned because their ability to impart anything of lasting value is severely limited.(ii) Madhyama Guru - The second category of Gurus are those who initiate the disciples and guide them but either due to their own limitations or lack of sincerity and genuine commitment, leave the disciples halfway.(iii) Uttama Guru - The highest Guru not only initiates the disciples but also guides them past all the obstacles on the spiritual path till they reach the supreme desideratum. The scriptures have also enumerated the qualities of the Sadguru. The Sadguru must be modest , soberly dressed , have good conduct , live in a proper way, be pure in mind , skilled in spiritual practice , superbly intellectual , benevolent, live a family life and be well-versed in the theory and practice of Mantra.
"When Brahma takes a physical body to guide human beings along the path of Dharma , He is known as Sadguru or Dharma Gugu. In His role as Sadguru, He can grant sadhakas salvation , permanent nirvikalpa samadhi. His role as a Dharma Guru. He provides guidance to the entire human race in every sphere of social, economic, political , moral , cultural and spiritual. He also provides everything society requires for its progress and unites society by breaking down all social barriers and divisions .His main purpose in taking birth is to guide suffering humanity towards all round liberation"
In Brahma Chakra there is no uniformity of flow. The speed of the setient force is greater than that of the mutative , and the mutative has more speed than the static. Thus in the beginning of sanchara the speed is greater. Similarly , after elevation under the influence of the sentient force or reaching samanya deha the speed is greater . The speed of the unit mind far exceeds the normal flow in the Cosmoc, and it gets accelerated if the unit mind as a result of spiritual practice tends itself towards the Nucleus Consciousness.
Since the beginning of creation humans have been aspiring for this merger with the Necleus Consciousness. The non-uniformity of speed changes the movement of the unit mind to an elliptical force, and the motion changes to oval from circular. They get merged in Purusottama who aim at moksa, where sadhana is the complete surrender of self into that get out of this Brahma chakra by a transgetial touch. At this point of tangential touch is the abode of Taraka Brahma is the concept of Tantra.
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu , Gururdeva Maheshara
Gurureva Parambramha Tasmaei Shri Gurave Namah !
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